Manual Surf Script

With Banner Exchange, Down Line Builder, Paid To Click, URL Rotator & More.

Start Your Own Manual Surf Traffic Exchange Today

With a stable modern manual surf bar and responsive web site template our Manual Surf Script makes starting your manual surf traffic exchange easy. Why Manual Surf ? well Manual Surfing is quite different to Auto Surfing. A Manual Surfer has to be present to view each site then click the correct image to earn credits, where as an auto surfer can just leave the auto surf system running with out having to actually sit in front of the screen viewing the sites. With this fact a lot of advertisers prefer Manual Surf Traffic Exchanges over auto surf's as they know that their sites are actually being viewed by someone on the other side of the screen.

You can start your very own manual surf traffic exchange business today
and provide a service that advertisers are actually looking for!

Our Manual Surf Taffic Exchange Script offers you the opportunity to work from home by starting your very own Manual Traffic Exchange business. From day one, You will be able to sell a variety of products to Your members. You to be able to sell products such as Manual Surf Credits, Account Upgrades, Surf Start Pages, Login Ads, Paid To Click Advertising, On-site Banner Advertising & More. The script comes with 24 products pre-added for you and the ability to create additional products when/if ever you want to.

Our script makes use of instant payment notifications this means the delivery of your members purchases is fully automated. Intergrated with PayPal, Payeer, CoinPayments, Stripe. Having members purchases delivered by the system means you do not need to worry about fulfilling orders everything is processed by the systems (display of products, forwarding of customer data to payment processor, order fulfillment, sending of purchase reciepts to customers etc).

Make changes to the manual surf scripts source code as needed.

One of the best parts of this Manual Surf Script is that for a strictly limited time our Manual Surf Script is being offered in an UN-encrypted format. Our competitors are selling a similar types of PHP Manual Surf Traffic Exchange Scripts for approximately $50 - $380+. Their scripts are however encrypted where you can not see or make changes to the underlying source code serverly limiting your options. You will be having to rely on what they say and what they will be willing to do for you.

Do Not Miss Out, Get your Manual Surf Traffic Exchange business started today while having the peace of mind knowing that if you ever wanted to, you can make changes to the manual surf scripts source code as needed.

Order Your Copy Of The Manual Surf Script Today And Download Instantly!

Some Of The Manual Surf Traffic Exchange Script Features :

Members Area :

A brief overview of the traffic exchange members area.

  •   Fresh Responsive Web Site Template.
  •   Strict account email verification.
  •   Members can resend account activation email.
  •   Members can initiate lost password reset.
  •   Adding / changing / deleting website URL's.
  •   Automated frame breaker testing of website URL's.
  •   Changing of approved sites status.
  •   Updating of registered e-mail address.
  •   Updating of pay-out e-mail address.
  •   Updating of account password.
  •   Purchase additional manual surf credits.
  •   Purchase variety or additional products.
  •   Upgrading of traffic exchange account.
  •   Automated member PayPal Purchase delivery.
  •   Automated member Payeer Purchase delivery.
  •   Automated member Stripe Purchase delivery.
  •   Automated member Coinpayments Purchase delivery.
  •   Automated member Points Purchase delivery.
  •   Variety of crypto coins can be used to purchase.
  •   Ability to View account purchase history.
  •   Ability to View account commission history.
  •   Request cash out of earnings once minimum achieved.
  •   Viewing of 7 days of exchange traffic statistics.
  •   Members can manual surf to earn advertising credits.
  •   Earn traffic exchange credits for referring members.
  •   Assigning of manual surf credits.
  •   Auto Assigning of manual surf credits.
  •   Releasing of manual surf credits.
  •   Converting of manual surf credits.
  •   Converting of banner impressions.
  •   Converting of text ad impressions.
  •   Advertising of Banner ads on site & via exchange.
  •   Advertising of Text ads on site & via exchange.
  •   Members can earn banner impressions via the exchange.
  •   Members can earn text ad impressions via the exchange.
  •   Members can assign impressions to banner and text ads.
  •   Members can enable or disable exchange participation.
  •   Great external program down line builder.
  •   Top exchanger rewards (surf boost, top surfer ads).
  •   Free to use random URL Rotator.
  •   Participate in 5 types of on-site contests.
  •   Earn commission on down-line purchases (set via admin).
  •   Ability to spend earned commission insted of withdrawal.
  •   Earn points via offer walls (set via admin).
  •   And much much more.

Admin Area :

A brief overview of the traffic exchange admin area.

  •   Fresh Responsive Web Site Template.
  •   Comprehensive admin area with lots of features.
  •   Ability to change the site admin login info.
  •   Ability to create sub admin accounts.
  •   Setting of bonus manual surf credits for new members.
  •   Set pages to surf before members can assign credits.
  •   Set credits and cash users can win while surfing.
  •   Setting surf timer for each member upgrade level.
  •   Setting of account inactivity threshold.
  •   Setting of frtame break testing timer.
  •   Setting of account inactivity threshold.
  •   Ability to view and update any members account info.
  •   Ban / Suspend Undesirable users.
  •   Ban email addresses or email hosts.
  •   Ban indervidual ip addresses or entier ip ranges.
  •   Ban indervidual affiliate pages or entire domain's.
  •   Banned ads also prevented from rotator and network.
  •   Delete, Lock, Pause, Enable or Suspend sites.
  •   Sell advertising products (17 products pre added).
  •   Sell account upgrades with account specific settings.
  •   Sell Upgrades and products for points.
  •   Sell Upgrades and products for members commission.
  •   Sell Products to members as one time offers.
  •   Add / Edit / Deny Top Surfer Ads.
  •   Enable or disable down line builder.
  •   Add / Edit down line builder programs.
  •   Generate down line builder splash pages instantly.
  •   Enable or disable splash page credits.
  •   Access to raw data files, logs etc.
  •   Beautiful charts showning 7 dyas traffic stats. .
  •   Internal database searching and built in utilities.
  •   Generate encoded and decoded strings and passwords.
  •   Network / Coop info (graphs, data files).
  •   Email Offers and email credit links.
  •   Promo codes that reduce the price of account upgrades.
  •   Automatic FAQ page Generator.
  •   Mailer - email to All, Free, Upgraded, Inactive members.
  •   Great Banner / Text Ad Ad Rotator (with grouping).
  •   Enable or disable member Paid to Click.
  •   Paid to Click manager, Approve, edit & delete ptc ads.
  •   Set commission percentage for each account type.
  •   Set max site limit per account type.
  •   Run 5 types of in-house contests with alt prizes.
  •   Modify contest settings and winnings.
  •   Modify login spotlight ad when ever you want.
  •   Modify surf start page when ever you want.
  •   And much much more.

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Only $45.95

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Traffic Exchange Screen Shot #1
Traffic Exchange Screen Shot #2
Traffic Exchange Screen Shot #3

The manual surf script makes use of an additional points system (that can be disabled). Your members will be able to earn points for surfing, as contest winnings or earn them in bulk by completing CPA tasks via multiple offer walls, where your members earn a set number of points for every dollar you earn.
Points can then be used to purchase on-site advertising, upgrading of accounts etc.
Points purchases are fully automated much like our PayPal, Payeer, Stripe & Crypto IPN's.

Full Admin Control

Administer your manual surf traffic exchange via a built in administrator back-end or create sub admin accounts.

Full Members Area

Registered members have access to a comprehensive back-end where they are able to fully administer their own accounts.

Clean Modern Code

Built using PHP and MYSQLi our scripts run natively on PHP8. With page styling handled via CSS files for easy customization

Beautiful Charts

Where relevant our traffic exchange scripts make use of graphical data driven charts

Responsive Layout

Highly responsive yet easy to customize web site template.

And much more...

Such as Strict email verification, Instant Payment Notifications & Ongoing Support

Order Your Copy Of The Manual Surf Script Today And Download Instantly!

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